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Zoo Atlanta

Zoo Atlanta , an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), inspires public value and protection of wildlife by providing an educational, engaging family experience, committing to critical conservation projects and applying world-class dedication to the stewardship of animals living in naturalistic habitats. One of only four zoos in the U.S. exhibiting giant pandas, Zoo Atlanta recently welcomed the birth of its first cub, Mei Lan. Other highlights include a preeminent great ape collection, featuring a rare set of mother-reared gorilla twins, a world-renowned herpetology department, and Wild Like Me, an innovative play space sponsored by Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc.


  • Katie Fawcett speaks about the current conservation status of gorillas and the Karisoke Center, which celebrated its 40th anniversary this year and is one of the longest running field research programs in the world.
    Zoo Atlanta
  • Zoo Atlanta Curator of Birds James Balance discusses the zoo's avian baby boom during a 2009 Discovery Talk. Tweeting of the old-fashioned kind, not the new media sort, is big at Zoo Atlanta, where four bird species have become parents in August. The new chicks in town are two kori bustards, at least seven Chilean flamingos, two Gambel's quail and one Palawan peacock pheasant.
    Zoo Atlanta
  • Dr. Jeffrey Bonner, president and CEO of the St. Louis Zoo, tells how amphibians are becoming extinct at an increasingly rapid rate. Scientists across the globe have gathered evidence to assert that humanity could be facing one of the biggest amphibian extinction crises of recent times.
    Zoo Atlanta
  • Dr. Alan Rabinowitz takes us inside the cyclone-devastated and virtually closed-off nation of Myanmar for a unique view of tigers' fight for survival.
    Zoo Atlanta
  • Zookeepers Lisa Smith, Laura Mayo, and Joseph Mendelson lead a presentation of *Behind-the-Scenes at Zoo Atlanta: Making a Difference at Home and Around the World*. Lisa Smith presents the rarely-seen world of the truly “behind-the-scenes,” offering compelling insights into the challenges, innovations and surprises of day-to-day animal care at Zoo Atlanta. Laura Mayo introduces a clear call to action for orangutans; great apes that may face extinction within the next decade without focused conservation efforts. Through an in-depth look at the fight to save critically endangered amphibians, beaded lizards and turtles, Mendelson presents alarming realities and triumphant messages of hope that define 21st century conservation.
    Zoo Atlanta
  • Daniel D. Beck, professor of biology at Central Washington University, presents gila monsters and beaded lizards as two of the most intriguing lizard species in existence. Both are venomous, but their danger to humans is often misunderstood. In fact, their venom contains a substance that is helping to treat type-2 diabetes. Yet both species are vulnerable, and only recent studies by scientists such as Beck may be able to ensure the protection and survival of these enigmatic animals.
    Zoo Atlanta
  • Leon Horton and Cary Burgess of Zoo Atlanta discuss true stories and urban legend about the Zoo with AJC staff writer Mark Davis.
    Zoo Atlanta