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Free online lectures: Explore a world of ideas

Funding provided by:

American Academy of Arts and Sciences

The American Academy serves the nation as a champion of scholarship, civil dialogue, and useful knowledge. As one of the country's oldest learned societies and independent policy research centers, the Academy convenes leaders from the academic, business, and government sectors to respond to the challenges facing the nation and the world. Current Academy research focuses on higher education, the humanities, and the arts; science and technology policy; global security and energy; and American institutions and the public good. The Academy’s work is advanced by its 4,600 elected members, who are leaders in the academic disciplines, the arts, business, and public affairs from around the world.


  • Partner:
    American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • This program features a poetry reading by **Sarton Prize** winner Vanesha Pravin, whose poems have appeared in _Slate, Callaloo, Crab Orchard Review, Many Mountains_ _Moving, Prodigal,_ and _Phoebe_. Former U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky observed of Pravin’s first collection of published poems, titled Disorder (University of Chicago Press, 2015): “A central challenge for American art has been the confluence of immigrant histories. Pravin’s Disorder attains a global and historical perspective, uniquely personal yet wide ranging.” The evening also feature a presentation by **Rumford Prize** winners Dr. Federico Capasso and Dr. Alfred Cho. At Bell Laboratories in 1994, Drs. Capasso and Cho invented the quantum cascade (qc) laser. As part of their presentation, Drs. Capasso and Cho discuss their invention of this revolutionary new light source as well as some of its common applications.
    American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • ###### 2016 Distinguished Morton L. Mandel Annual Public Lecture **The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty at 20: Prospects for Ratification and the Enduring Risks of Nuclear Testing** Twenty years after the signing of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and creation of its accompanying organization, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), the CTBT remains extremely relevant in the context of nuclear proliferation, deterrence, testing, and more. Yet challenges also remain that impede the ratification of the treaty and its entry into force.
    American Academy of Arts and Sciences