Mayor Franklin, Atlanta's first female mayor and the first African-American woman to serve as mayor of a major Southern city, is perhaps one of the most popular political leaders in the city's history. She has earned praise from the national media and the respect of Atlanta's business leaders. She discusses the challenges for Atlanta in 2007 and beyond.

Shirley Franklin is the 58th mayor of Atlanta. She is also the first female mayor and the first African American woman to serve as mayor of a major southern city. Her term ends in 2009. Franklin served as one of the co-chairs of the 2008 National Democratic Convention. She has held leadership roles in the US Conference of Mayors as the chair of the women's caucus, co-chair of the tourism task force and a member of the environmental committee. She was the first Atlanta mayor to serve as president of the Georgia Municipal Association, which is the only state organization that represents the 502 local governments in Georgia.