WGBH’s 2018 Innovation IdeaLab convened powerful writers, grassroots activists, economists, architects and green designers around the theme of The Changemakers for the popular day-long gathering supported by The Kendeda Fund. The purpose of the IdeaLab is to plant new stories for public media, with sessions ranging from Saving Nature, Saving Ourselves; to The Future of Work; and Designing Green and Equitable Communities. **In this session:** » Bill McKibben, Author, Educator, Environmentalist » Tara Houska, Campaigns Director, Honor the Earth; Attorney, Couchiching First Nation » Chad Brown, US Navy Veteran; Founder, Soul River Runs Deep » Lucy Cooke, Zoologist, Author, Broadcaster

**Tara Houska** (Couchiching First Nation Anishinaabe) is a tribal attorney, the National Campaigns Director of Honor the Earth, and a former advisor on Native American affairs to Bernie Sanders. She advocates on behalf of tribal nations at the local and federal levels on a wide range of issues impacting indigenous peoples. Houska spent six months on the frontlines in North Dakota fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline, and is heavily engaged in the movement to defund fossil fuels and a years-long struggle against Enbridge's Line 3 pipeline. She is a co-founder of Not Your Mascots, a non-profit committed to educating the public about the harms of stereotyping and promoting positive representation of Native Americans in the public sphere.

**Lucy Cooke** is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and best-selling author with a Masters in zoology from Oxford university (where she was tutored by Richard Dawkins). Lucy has written, produced and presented natural history programmes for BBC, PBS, Animal Planet and National Geographic Wild (‘Freaks and Creeps’). Her ‘Meet the Sloths’ documentary (Animal Planet) won the coveted Panda popular documentary award at Wildscreen 2014 and went on to become a major international series for Discovery International. Lucy’s love of sloths led her to found the Sloth Appreciation Society which now has over 10,000 members and over 60,000 avid followers. Lucy’s viral sloth videos have featured on every show from Ellen to John Oliver and earned her the reputation of ‘the Steven Spielberg of sloth filmmaking’ (the Atlantic). Her first book, A Little Book of Sloth, was a New York Times best-seller.

Bill McKibben is the author of ten books, including *The End of Nature, The Age of Missing Information*, and E*nough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age*. McKibben's book "Falter" draws upon McKibben's years of experience in building 350.org, a global citizens movement to combat climate change, and provides some advice on possible ways out of the trap of conflicting interests that keep us from solving the climate crisis. A former staff writer for *The New Yorker*, McKibben writes regularly for *Harper’s, The Atlantic Monthly*, and *The New York Review of Books*, among other publications. He is a scholar in residence at Middlebury College and lives in Vermont. Photo: Nancie Battaglia

**Chad Brown**, decorated US Navy veteran who received multiple honors after serving in Desert Storm Gulf War and Operation Restore Hope, Somalia, struggles today with PTSD. The illness nearly drove him to suicide before he found solace in fly fishing. Brown’s discovery of nature as medicine inspired him to launch Soul River, Inc., a nonprofit that aims to share the healing power of rivers with veterans and inner-city youth. Soul River Inc. has held successful deployments taking youth and veterans on local rivers in Oregon, Washington, Utah, Florida, and far off destinations in Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. These opportunities promote healing and learning through many facets of outdoors education and advocacy leadership development mentored by veterans while breaking barriers and building new communities. Brown’s work as the Founder and President of Soul River Inc. has taken him across the country, including multiple times to our nation’s capital, to speak about connecting people of the inner city, particularly youth of color, to the outdoors. Additionally, Brown has presented to key city leaders, state representatives, and officials about diversity, conservation, and building collaborative relationships between nonprofit and for-profit businesses. Brown also sits on the National Wildlife Refuge Association’s Board of Directors.