By assembling a distinguished group of experts, The Philanthropic Initiative engages the participants in a dialogue on the issues involved in and the various strategies employed by grantors. Hear these experts as they explore the challenging question, "Public Policy, Politics and Philanthropy - How Close to the Chasm Can One Go?"

Andrew Dreyfus is Executive Vice President of Health Care Services for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. In that position, he is responsible for the company's health and wellness, performance measurement and improvement, and provider contracting and services divisions. He also leads the company's health care collaborative initiatives to improve the quality and safety of health care in Massachusetts. Andrew previously served as the first President of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation, which works to expand access and reduce barriers to health care for Massachusetts residents. During his tenure, the Foundation awarded nearly $17 million in grants to community organizations and launched a series of policy initiatives, including the "Roadmap to Coverage", which contributed to the successful passage of the state's landmark 2006 Health Reform Law. Andrew is a member of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Special Commission on the Health Care Payment System, and serves on the board of the Kenneth B. Schwartz Center, the Harvard Risk Management Foundation, and the Board of Advisors for the Brigham & Women's Hospital Center for Surgery and Public Health.