Boston-based transportation advocates [LivableStreets]( "") hosts this discussion as part of the Leventhal Map & Education Center’s exhibition, “Breathing Room: Mapping Boston’s Green Spaces”. The panel is inspired by LivableStreets’ Emerald Network initiative and focuses on current advocacy to use open space to promote positive urban change in the 21st century city, much as Frederick Law Olmsted did in 19th century Boston. Panelists address how a greenway network can increase access to jobs and recreation and improve public and environmental health in the process, helping Boston to be a city for the future. The panelists include Alice Brown of Boston Harbor Now, Tamika Francis of the Boston Alliance for Community Health, Alex Krieger of Harvard University and NBBJ, Jessica Robertson of Utile Design, and will be moderated by Matt Kiefer of Goulston & Storrs.