Jane Prophet, a British artist who works across disciplines to create internationally acclaimed projects that have broken new ground in art, technology, and science, discusses her artwork. **Jane Prophet**'s work, which includes large-scale installations, digital print, Websites and CD-ROMs, reflects her interest in complexity theory, landscape and artificial life. Among her past projects are the award-winning website, *TechnoSphere*, and *The Landscape Room*, an installation that combines photographs with computer-simulated landscapes. In October 2006, she completed a solo show at Paco das Artes, which coincided with the Sao Paulo Biennale.

Jane Prophet is a British artist working with video and digital media. Recent works include (Trans)Plant, 2008, a kinetic aluminum sculpture based on the structure of a plant; Counterbalance, 2007, a light based installation commisined for a flood plain in Australia and Souvenir of England, 2007, a preserved apple tree covered in balck velvet and displayed in a giant snow dome. In August 2007 she became Professor at Goldsmiths College, specialising in interdisciplinary research in the Computing Department.