Former French ambassador to the US Jacques Andreani discusses what the building of a united Europe means for France. This event is cosponsored by The European Union Center of Excellence at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology, the German Cultural Center of Atlanta and the French Consulate in Atlanta.

Jacques Andrani was born in Paris where he completed his studies. A graduate of Pariss Institut dEtudes Politiques (Sciences-Po), he was admitted to the Ecole Nationale dAdministration (ENA). Upon graduation from ENA, he chose the Foreign Service and was assigned to the French Embassy in Washington, where he served for five years as Embassy Secretary. He is the President of the U.S. section of the Association France-Amriques, Honorary Chairman of the Dante-Alighieri Society, Paris chapter, Chairman of the Amis de lInstitut Dominicain dEtudes Orientales du Caire, Honorary Chairman of the Alumni of Science-Po, member of the Board of the Foundation for the Memory of the Holocaust, Member of the Trilateral Commission, and he belongs to the Monaco Club, a private organization which brings together political, diplomatic and media personalities from countries on both sides of the Mediterranean. He is the Commander of the Lgion dHonneur and Commander of the Ordre national du Mrite and published *LAmrique et nou*s (Odile Jacob, 2000) and *Le Pige: Helsinki et la chute du communisme* (Odile Jacob, 2005).