The United States and Middle East are at a crossroads. In spite of a reduced presence in the Middle East, the U.S. still has significant national interests there and the area is a key arena for global power politics. Can the U.S. continue to defend its interests in the Middle East and globally with a lower level of military and political involvement, or should it recommit to a leading role in the region?
Join WorldBoston for a timely discussion of this topic with Dr. Ali Banuazizi, Research Professor of Political Science at Boston College.

Ali Banuazizi is Research Professor of Political Science at Boston College and Research Affiliate at the Center for International Studies at M.I.T. After receiving his Ph.D. from YaleUniversity in 1968, he taught at Yale and the University of Southern California beforejoining the faculty of Boston College in 1971. Since then, he has held visiting appointments at the University of Tehran, Princeton, Harvard, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Oxford, and M.I.T. He served as the founding editor of the journal of Iranian Studies, from 1968 to1982. He is a past president of the Association for Iranian Studies (AIS) and of the MiddleEast Studies Association in North America (MESA); associate editor of the Encyclopedia ofIslam and the Muslim World; and currently editor-in-chief of Freedom of Thought Journal.