Eugene Robinson reads from his new book, *Fight: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Ass-Kicking but Were Afraid You'd Get Your Ass Kicked for Asking*. Oxbow vocalist and mixed martial arts fighter Robinson tries to explain the mentality of those who live for combat, whether in a sports arena or in a sports bar. He explores all forms of fighting, including knife fighting, prison fighting, boxing, wrestling, hockey fights, mixed martial arts, and plain old “What you looking at?" fighting. He incorporates his own painful duels and adds vivid descriptions of broken bones, broken jaws, and broken spirits.

Eugene Robinson, is a self-described polymath in the best of all possible ways, jacking all trades and mastering a ton. While his articles have appeared in *GQ*, *The Wire*, *EQ*, *Harp*,* Plan B*, *Grappling*, the *LA Weekl*y, *HUH*, *Vice Magazine*, *SF Weekly*, *Raygun*, *Code*, *Decibel*, *Art Forum*, *Corporate Computing*, *Highways*, *MaclLife*, *Hustler*, and a handful of European music magazines, Robinson is also a habitue of stage and screen. Scoring appearances with the likes of Bill Cosby, director Gus Van Sant, interviews with Chris Rock, Laurence Fishburne, Samuel Jackson, and an MTV-Style show on German Viva TV and going on to work with Lydia Lunch, Richard Kern, Marianne Faithfull, Henry Rollins and Steve Albini, the 6'1", 235 pound Robinson, former bouncer, 1998 CAAT Heavyweight Men's Sanshou Champ, 2nd place overall and first place divisional 2003 California Submission Fighting champ, is no stranger to confrontation. His chapter in O'Reilly Traveler's *Tales series on Death*, as well as his brief appearances in Feral Press's *Apocalypse Culture* and Susie Bright's *The Best American Erotica*, marks him as a dangerous and compelling read.