United States Senator **Elizabeth Warren** outlines her views on federal education policy in Clark University's sixth annual Gurel Lecture. As a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Senator Warren played an influential role in the passage of the 2015 Every Student Succeeds Act. After Senator Warren's keynote remarks, a panel of leading education experts share their perspectives on the range of skills students will need to thrive in the future, and their views on how the new federal law positions urban communities to provide the deeper learning experiences-in the classroom and beyond-that their students will need to gain a full complement of these 21st century skills. Panelists: - **Nick Donohue**, President and CEO, Nellie Mae Education Foundation - **Dr. Ronald Ferguson**, Kennedy School of Government and Director of the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard University - **Dr. Dianne Kelly**, Superintendent, Revere Public Schools - **Gene Wilhoit**, Executive Director, National Center for Innovation in Education Moderator: - **Dr. Katerine Bielaczyc**, Director of the Hiatt Center for Urban Education and Associate Professor of Education, Clark University (Photo: [Flickr/Ben Wikler](https://www.flickr.com/photos/bnwklr/16037332480 "Elizabeth Warren"), image cropped)