The first generation of educational audio producers has largely come from privileged communities with access to technology and funding, and the time to record and distribute material. A new generation is emerging, however, seeking to tell stories about their experiences as marginalized citizens, and spread awareness about challenges that face their communities. This panel will discuss their work as educators for and about marginalized communities. Photo: [Bansi Jadhav from Pexels]( "")

**Adam McNeil** is a graduating M.A in History student at Simmons College in Boston, MA. He graduated from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University in Fall 2015 with B.S. in History. Adam can be reached at @CulturedModesty. Follow him on Twitter at [@CulturedModesty]( "").

**Kamille Washington** is a co-host of Unfriendly Black Hotties, a podcast devoted to examining the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality in higher ed, pop culture, and politics. Follow her on Twitter at [@thatblasiangirl]( "")

Christina Tucker is a co-host of Unfriendly Black Hotties, a podcast devoted to examining the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality in higher ed, pop culture, and politics. Follow her on Twitter at [@C\_GraceT](\_GraceT "")

Max Alvarez is an essayist, academic, agitator and columnist as well as host of Working People podcast. Follow him on Twitter at [@maximillian\_alv](\_alv "")

Roifield Brown is a prolific podcaster and founder of the [Agora Podcast Network]( ""). Among podcasts he has created are [Ten America Presidents]( ""), The Things That Made England, [DumTeeDum]( ""), How Jamaica Conquered the World, Mid-Atlantic and ReConsider.