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Art, Gender, and Politics in Egypt: Queen Hapshepsut

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With support from: Lowell Institute
Date and time
Friday, December 6, 2002

Chahinda Karim discusses how art can mirror society and how Ancient Egypt's surviving artistic tradition can throw light on the life and times of Thutmosides. Before Catherine the Great of Russia, Joan of Arc of France, or Empress Wu Zetian of China, Pharaoh Hatshepsut of Egypt left her mark as one of history's most significant female rulers. Her story is told through archeological evidence, including mummy markings, pottery, and hieroglyphic inscriptions. The art and architecture of the time paints a picture of Hatshepsut as a master politician, pioneering expedition sponsor, and assiduous promoter of the arts. Despite her successes, there is doubt about her effectiveness as a leader. Attempts by her nephew and successor, Thutmose III, to destroy all references to Hatshepsut leave holes in the history and add fuel to the debate.

Long recognized as one of Cairo's most knowledgeable experts on Islamic Art & Architecture, Dr. Karim has taught at AUC since 1983 both in the classroom and the "Cairo Lab", introducing students and special visitors to the many local architectural wonders of the Muslim world. Her teaching interests also include Islamic history and religious development, subjects she has shared with MESP students since 2002. Since 1990, she has taught Islamic history and Art history for the faculty of tourism at Helwan University. Naturally, her specialized knowledge and expertise has made her a much sought after consultant on issues related to Islamic history and civilization.