In Latin, the word "Integro" means to renew, restore, make whole, begin again, start from scratch. It’s an idea that almost everybody can relate to. Who hasn’t turned a corner, made a change, started again?

But few of us have had to rebuild our lives in the way that artist and former Army Staff Sergeant William Kleinedler did after his vehicle hit an Improvised Explosive Device in Iraq in 2006 and—in less than a second—his entire life changed. Kleinedler was left alive, but severely burned and with a long road to recovery ahead.

A centerpiece of Kleinedler’s journey to build his life anew was his art. And now he’s hoping that his art might help other wounded veterans as they rebuild.

He joined us today on Boston Public Radio from his studio in New Braintree to discuss his latest piece, a steel sculpture appropriately titled Integro, that was dedicated this past weekend in a ceremony at Fisher House Boston in West Roxbury, where it sits.