The Massachusetts Legislature and Gov. Charlie Baker last week appropriated $38 million to offset federal spending cuts, and House Speaker Robert DeLeo is throwing up a caution flag.

"We can't continue to pick up all of the slack," DeLeo told CBS-Boston's Jon Keller during a TV interview that aired Sunday morning. "So when we're talking about funding, that's something we have to keep in the back of our mind."

The House and Senate last week gave final approval to measures authorizing $8 million in state spending on family planning clinics and $30 million for home energy assistance. In both cases, the spending, which Gov. Baker agreed to on Friday, was approved in response to cuts in federal funding.

DeLeo also said he's very concerned about new challenges to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and potential impacts on big federal subsidies to Massachusetts.

"I have to admit that right now we're taking a look at that — what we can do in case that does happen," DeLeo said.

The Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association (MHA) joined others in the health care industry in ripping a Trump administration petition to a U.S. Appeals Court to strike down the ACA.

MHA President & CEO Steve Walsh said in a statement Monday, "Improving healthcare delivery is a shared goal and an evolving process. But this effort to dismantle the ACA rather than make thoughtful changes to our existing system of care is an extraordinarily shortsighted and harmful move that will create long-lasting repercussions for patient coverage and access."

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is reviewing last year's decision by a U.S. District Court judge in Texas striking down the ACA, and 21 Democratic attorneys general, including Maura Healey in Massachusetts, are appealing that ruling.

While Massachusetts has its own universal health care law as a backstop, the hospital association estimated that 2.5 million Massachusetts residents with pre-existing health conditions benefit from the ACA; more than 300,000 Massachusetts residents have received coverage through the ACA's Medicaid expansion; and more than 224,000 residents purchased insurance through the state's health exchange with the support of ACA-related premium tax credits.

'Everything and anything'
In the interview, DeLeo, a Winthrop Democrat who led the push in 2009 to raise the sales tax to 6.25 percent, seemed to relish his opposition to broad-based tax hikes since then, frame himself as a monitor of newly developing tax policies, and fuel proponents of tax hikes by showing openness to tax increases.

"Looking at the needs of transportation, we're going to probably have to take up, when I say everything and anything, I mean everything and anything," he said. "I'm not ruling anything out."

DeLeo and Beacon Hill Democrats are restarting a long push to amend the constitution and impose a 4 percent income surtax on households with incomes above $1 million. They hoped to have that $2 billion tax in place this year to fund new investments in education and transportation, but the proposal that advanced through the Legislature twice and was poised for a 2018 statewide ballot vote was ruled unconstitutional last summer by the state's high court.

The Revenue Committee plans an April 11 public hearing on the redrafted income surtax bill, which this time is a legislative amendment to the constitution, rather than a citizens' petition, and will require 101 votes to advance through two successive Legislatures and appear on the November 2022 ballot.

In 2013, DeLeo went along with a $1 per pack increase in the cigarette tax, new taxes on software services, and a 3 cent-per-gallon gas tax hike paired with a plan to index the gas tax to inflation. The Legislature retreated on the software services tax and voters repealed the gas tax indexing law.

DeLeo said he's interested to see the amount raised and impact of newer taxes passed under his watch, like levies on short-term rentals, retail marijuana, and expanded gambling, as well as the tax revenue impacts associated with the development of the "green economy" and the offshore wind sector that Massachusetts is trying to establish.

The state economy, DeLeo said, is in better shape than other states and while the state has pushed its rainy day fund balance past $2 billion, fiscal 2019 tax collections are running about $250 million behind benchmarks.

"April is going to be probably one of the keys to decide where we are fiscally," DeLeo said, referring to April tax collection numbers that will be released in early May. Tax collection data for March should be make public this week.

DeLeo, the longest continously serving speaker in state history, ended the interview by saying he's not contemplating retirement. "No, I am not."