Former Border Patrol Head On Trump's New Pick For The Job: More Worried Than Hopeful'
Gil Kerlikowske, who served as Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection under former President Obama, spoke with Greater Boston about Mark Morgan, President Donald Trump's new pick to head the agency. He offered some criticism of the man that he hired as Border Patrol chief in 2016.

What Will We Gain From Robert Mueller’s Congressional Testimony?
Special counsel Robert Mueller said this week he would comply with a subpoena and testify before Congress next month about his investigation into President Donald Trump. But given Mueller’s insistence in a press conference last month that he “would not provide any information beyond what is already public” in his report, what can the American public expect from the hearing? And given that most Americans have not read the report, will the hearings provide an introduction to its findings that many viewers otherwise would not get?

Jim Braude was joined by former Assistant U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Bruce Singal, and former Acting U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts William Weinreb.

Can Playing Fortnite Get You A College Scholarship?
A 16-year-old boy playing the video game Fortnite isn't exactly unusual. But that boy getting a chance to win $3 million dollars doing so is a whole different story. Arun Rath introduces us to Jordan Herzog, the Sudbury high schooler about to head into the Fortnite World Cup finals.

IMHO: Robert Kraft And The Unbalanced Scales Of Justice
Jim Braude shares his thoughts on the heavy criminal charges facing the women implicated in the Robert Kraft prostitution story — for which he has only received a misdemeanor.