Cleared? | An outside investigation clears Globe Editor Brian McGrory of sexual harassment, but his accuser says the investigation was a sham.

Drawing Comparisons | Some argue the Thai cave rescue coverage was way out of proportion.

Rally Routine | A year and a half after President Donald Trump’s election, some networks are deciding that when it comes to covering his campaign-style rallies, enough is enough.

Written Out | NPR faces backlash over a decision to leave the female co-author of a sports book on the cutting room floor.

Rants & Raves | Emily Rooney and her panel reviews the week in the media.

On this week’s edition of Beat the Press, Emily Rooney was joined by Dan Kennedy, of Northeastern University; Callie Crossley, of WGBH News; Josh Benton, of the Nieman Journalism Lab; and Adam Reilly, of WGBH News.