Unvarnished The NYTimes is refuting questions about its expose of nail salons, but is it another example of story over-reach? Is there a troubling pattern emerging at the Times of stories that don’t quite stand up to scrutiny?

Fit to Print – The Hillary Clinton campaign has posted a scathing response to The NYTimes erroneous report that Clinton faces a criminal inquiry into her email use as secretary of state. Clinton’s campaign says the Times refused to run their letter. Should they have?

Cover Story – From New York’s ‘Cosby Sisterhood’ to Vanity Fair’s ‘Call Me Caitlyn’ to TIME’s Baltimore riots cover, why are magazine covers finding new resonance and setting the news agenda?   

Jon Stewart There’s never been any question that the comedian/commentator has a strong point of view, but the presumption has always been that he’s independent. Do revelations of secret White House meetings damage his brand?

Rants and Raves – Northeastern University's  Dan Kennedy  ( @dankennedy_nu), WBZ's  Jon Keller ( @kelleratlarge),  Nieman Journalism Lab  Justin Ellis ( @JustinNXT) and WGBH News'  Callie Crossley ( @CallieCrossley) share their media hits and misses for the week.