Youthful Indiscretion: WEEI’s Alex Reimer was suspended indefinitely for calling Tom Brady’s five-year old daughter an “annoying little pissant.” Did the punishment fit the crime in the world of sports talk radio?
Price of Popularity: A New York Times investigation uncovered several media figures paid a company to boost their Twitter followings – some with fake accounts. Is it journalistically unethical to buy social media followers?
Equitable Coverage?: As storylines go, it was both infuriating and uplifting: reports a local newsman lost his job after seeking equal pay for women. But now, it seems the story of Jeffrey Good’s firing may be more complicated than was first reported.
Cliché Parade: We in New England are used to the hype leading up to the Super Bowl — an endless stream of stories about bets between governors, who has the best weather, hometown chow and, of course, rabid fans. But this year, the stretch seems particularly thin.
Rants and Raves A review of the week in media.
On this week’s edition of Beat the Press, Emily Rooney was joined by freelance journalist Joanna Weiss, former CNN White House Correspondent Dan Lothian, Dan Kennedy of Northeastern University and Jon Keller of WBZ News.